CP Club House of CP Cheats

Penguin Jokes

  1. Why are Penguins so popular in the internet? Because they have web feet!
  2. Why are igloos so round? So that penguins won’t hide in the corners!
  3. How do you communicate with a fish? You drop him a line!
  4. What do you call a fish with no eyes? FSH!
  5. What is the best way to catch a fish? Let someone throw it to you!
  6. What lies on the bottom of the sea and shakes? A nervous wreck!
  7. Why don’t you see penguins in britain? Because they are afraid of wales!
  8. What is a penguin’s most favorite game? Sardines!
  9. What do you call a penguin in a dessert? Lost!
  10. What bird can write in the water? A ball point PENguin!
  11. What is black and white and goes round and round? A penguin at a revolving door!
  12. Why do penguins eat fish? Because donuts will get soggy before you catch them!
  13. What do penguins sing on their birthdays? Freeze a Jolly Good Fellow.
  14. How does penguins build igloos? Igloos it together!
  15. Why are fish so easy to weigh? Because they have their own scales!

These jokes are really from Club Penguin

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